Do you know how to have fun?

Jamie Lee

Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.
Brandan Gill

This saying is one of my favorites – partly because it makes me smile, and partly because if gives me a Douglas Adams-esque sense that, “Oh, well, that’s all right then.”

When it comes to inspiring a good mood, few things are more potent than good, old-fashioned fun to get the ball rolling. The trouble is, as grown-ups, we often forget how to have fun. Our days are so full of busyness, busywork, busy bees, and Other Important Things that it’s hard for us to take a moment to breathe, never mind find ways to have fun.

The video above is one in a series sponsored by VW called “The Fun Theory.” According to the official site, this group is “dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better.” What a concept. Instead of threatening, bribing, begging, or guilting people into doing something; these folks would like to motivate better behavior using FUN. I like it.

When you think about it, it actually makes sense. Any parent will tell you that the best (often only!) way to get an intractable toddler to bend to your will is to introduce an element of fun. The concept has less to do with toddlers and more to do with human nature.

When something is bringing you down, try to find a way to make it fun and see what that does for your mood.  Are you bummed out about having to clean your desk? Make paper airplanes and have a game of getting them to fly into the recycle bin. Not looking forward to your workout? Ditch the boring strength training for a kick-boxing or jazzercise class. Feeling a little road rage coming on? See how creative you can get with PG-13 name calling a la the dinner scene in Robin Williams’ version of Peter Pan – “slug slime sack of rat guts and cat vomit.” Oh, yum.

Bring a little fun into your day and see how it changes your mood. You may be surprised.

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