Good Moods 'n' Gratitudes

Jamie Lee

gratefulIt’s after 9PM and I’m feeling like I ought to just give in, take a shot of NyQuil, and call it a day. So far, this week has been plagued with technical difficulties, insane work schedules, a nasty cold, and – to top it all off – continued falling in the Good Mood Gig voting polls. Rough week, and it’s only Tuesday.

So, what does all this have to do with being in a good mood? I’m so glad you asked.

Whenever I’m having a particularly rotten day – you know the kind I mean – I take a moment to make a mental note of the things I’m grateful for. From the huge items that we often take for granted (like our overall health) to the small details that we often overlook (like sun shining through the window, warming the back of your neck while you work), each day holds many large and small pleasures for which to be thankful. The act of expressing gratitude automatically puts you in a positive frame of mind. How can you be cranky when you’re in full appreciation mode for the wonderful gifts in your life?

Think I’m crazy? You may want to try the gratitude journal experiment: For one month, take a few minutes at the end of each day to jot down five things you’re thankful for. I did this for one year and was amazed at the power of this tiny committment to consciously appreciate the good things in my life.

Today, I’m thankful for:

  1. Being able to take time to chaperone my daughter’s Kindergarten class on a visit to a local farm
  2. A great first meeting between two business associates that I referred
  3. Having the money available to buy my mom a couple nice birthday gifts (she deserves them!)
  4. The patience of my wonderful beau who always looks out for me – even when I’m the one driving me crazy
  5. An easy-breezey bedtime with my daughter tonight – bath, books, & bedtime

How about you? What are you thankful for?

Image Credit: Sno Shuu

2 Responses to “Good Moods 'n' Gratitudes”

  • Shangrila Says:

    I have several pretty journals that I bought just for the purpose of gratitude journaling-each have a week’s worth of entries at best…I’ve ripped out the pages and passed most of them on to my daughter, but reserved my favorite for myself. I’ve been blue lately, and think that now may be the perfect time to start making regular entries again. Thanks. :)

  • jme2469 Says:

    @Shangrila – When you’re blue, it’s especially hard to get into a gratitude groove, but if you can get past that initial hump; the pay off can be huge. I hope you’re feeling less blue soon, my friend!

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